Title: The Narcissist in Your Life
By: Julie L. Hall
Genre: Non Fiction
Pages: 320
Release Date: December 3rd, 2019
Publisher: Da Capo Lifelong Books
Rating: ★★★★★
Summary from Goodreads:
A highly illuminating examination of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and its insidiously traumatic impact on family members and partners. Packed with insight, compassion, and practical strategies for recovery, this is a must-read for survivors and clinicians alike.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) has a profoundly dehumanizing effect on those subject to its distortions, manipulations, and rage. The Narcissist in Your Life illuminates the emotionally annihilating experience of narcissistic abuse in families and relationships, acknowledges the complex emotional and physical trauma that results, and assists survivors with compassionate, practical advice on the path of recovery.
Whether you are just learning about NPD, managing a narcissistic parent or other family member, leaving a narcissistic relationship, or struggling with complex PTSD, you will find life-changing answers to these common questions:
What are the different forms of NPD?
Is my partner a narcissist?
Why do I keep attracting narcissistic personalities?
How can I help my kids?
What happens in a narcissistic family?
Why did my other parent go along with the abuse?
Why am I alienated from my siblings?
Why is it so hard to believe in myself and my future?
What is complex PTSD and do I have it?
What are the health problems associated with narcissistic abuse?
Journalist, survivor, and NPD trauma coach Julie L. Hall provides a comprehensive, up-to-date, affirming, and accessible guide that will not only help you understand narcissistic abuse trauma, but will help you overcome trauma cycles and move forward with healing.
Some books come into your life when you need them the most. This is one of those books for me.
As my husband and I struggle with some deep-seated emotions, we read this book out loud together and realized the things we were feeling were not normal, but in fact abuse. Abuse that has been going on for longer than we can remember.
This book was the turning point for those abuses, helping us to start setting boundaries and learn to push past the painful memories from before and start forming new relationships based on our own wants and needs and not on pleasing the abuser.
Julie Hall has put together an amazingly written book full of information to help work through narcissistic abuse in a way that's easy to understand. I have to wonder what terrible things she's also gone through in her life to be so knowledgeable in this subject and I'm grateful she has the strength to share.
Although this book brought tears to both our eyes, my husband and I are working toward peace in our lives. A great book to help those who feel like they might be on the receiving end of narcissistic abuse.
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