Monday, Monday!
We are back and I have to say thank you for everyone who was thinking and praying for my Grandpa, he made it another week. Not sure if that's a good thing or not at this point, but we shall see. If he is meant to stick around longer, then that's ok with me.
On a more positive note, we managed to find a new car. Not the one we were originally looking at, but it checked all the boxes and I'm really happy with it. Welcome, Plump Vernon to the family, my 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Limited. It's so fancy... Almost too fancy, lol. I'm grateful to my husband for dealing with the dealer while I sat in comfort at home. To think that only a few short years ago we were barely scraping by, and now with a lot of hard work, we can afford a beauty like this.
This weeks book is No Prisoners by Karen Traviss. I'm still working through my Star Wars reading challenge and this is the next book in the series. Its short and will definitely be done by the time you all read this post.
Lets get to this weeks menu.
Toads in a Hole and Sausage
~ Family Dinner Night ~
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