Sunday Confessions #33

It's Sunday! We made it through another week. I've been a reading monster, knocking six more books off my reading challenges.

Let's get to the recap!


Weekly Menu #341 And The Book Of The Week
March 2020 Wrap Up
Book Review; But You Do Not Come Back by Marceline Loridan-Ivens
Book Review: World War Z by Max Brooks
Sunday Confessions #34


4 Ingredient fruit & yogurt Popsicles @ The Works of Life
23 of the best fantasy book series for adults @ Book Riot
First timers guide to Portland, Oregon @ Sugar & Stamps

27/50 Books in my Read Around the Country challenge
13/196 in my Star Wars Legends challenge
1/20 in my Scotland challenge
31/341 Gilmore Girls challenge
33/100 in my 100 books before you die challenge

I made some nice progress on my read around the country challenge and picked up a few review books this week as well. I'm excited to write some more reviews for you.

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