Title: The Devil's Revolver
By: V.S. McGrath
Genre: Western Fantasy
Pages: 323
Release Date: September 5th, 2017
Publisher: Brain Mill Press LLC
Summary from Goodreads: She is Hettie Alabama — unlikely, scarred, single-minded, and blood bound to a revolver forged by a demon.
The first book in an epic, magic-clad series featuring the Wild West reimagined as a crosscultural stereoscope of interdimensional magic and hardship, The Devil’s Revolver opens with a shooting competition and takes off across the landscape after a brutal double murder and kidnapping — to which revenge is the only answer. Hettie Alabama, only seventeen years old, leads her crew of underdogs with her father’s cursed revolver, magicked to take a year off her life each time she fires it. It’s no way for a ranch girl to grow up, but grow up she does, her scars and determination to rescue her vulnerable younger sister deepening with every year of life she loses.
A sweeping and high-stakes saga that gilds familiar Western adventure with powerful magic and panoramic fantasy, The Devil’s Revolver is the last word and the blackest hat in the Weird West.
Review: Did you ever think that a story would come out where a western would meet a fantasy? I sure as heck didn't. You get everything that comes with a normal western, the normal issues, and then add a dollop of magic to warm the fingers, and bang, you have this wonderful story. You would think it didn't work, but it does. If you want something new and exciting, you have to pick up this book.
Received an
advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
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