Be Gone Baby Fat | Six week six pack

Even though I used to be a ballerina, my body had always been thick. I'm tall and have broad shoulders. Not the typical dancer body, at all. I've struggled with my weight and self esteem issues for most my adult life.

Recently, I finished the Jillian Michaels 60 day shred. I'm stronger, my arms are more muscular and my legs are a little thinner. The only thing I didn't get out of the program is anything to do with my abs. My abs are my biggest problem.

I picked up this DVD from the library, to see if I liked it. First day down, five weeks and four days to go.

So far, its not hard. I'm wondering what I'm really going to get out of this workout, but its only been one day and results don't come overnight. We shall see in six weeks when I share with you again my results.

Wish me luck!

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