#WeeklyMenu Week 209

It has been a long extremely hot week. Here in Oregon, we reached a sweltering 106 degrees and I about melted. Good thing the ac in my office at work is set to arctic. I'd rather put on a sweater and bundle in a blanket (which I did) than have to be dressed professionally and melt on the inside a little bit at a time. We just have to make it through next week and then... Vacation!!!

This year, like every year, we are headed to Cannon Beach, Oregon to spend four splendid days of sun, sand and rest. I haven't updated my yearly Cannon Beach post, but I'm sure things have changed. I'm excited to go.

I'm going to skip the writing update this week and talk about the movie pictured today. If you've been keeping up on my posts you will know how I feel about it, but if not, here it is. I'm not a fan of space movies, but yet I keep watching them. Its like a train wreck, so terrible but I cant stop watching. 

I tried to keep this weeks menu light because of the hot weather, but that's really hard to do. I'm going to attempt to make salmon, even though I don't eat it and we are having friends over on Tuesday for a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity. Check back next week for another menu. Enjoy!








Tuna Sandwiches

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