Book Confession's Summer Reading Challenge

 IT'S TIME! Summer is here and I know all of you are ready for those summer reading challenges that are all over the internet. If you haven't picked a challenge yet, here is one that will keep you on your toes and plant your nose into all kinds of books. Make sure you check in to see what books I'm reading for the challenge. Enjoy!

1. True crime
2. A best seller from the year you graduated high school
3. A book by an author with the same first or last name as you
4. A book by a local author
5. A book that ties to your ancestry
6. Read a graphic novel or comic book
7. Read a book chosen by someone else
8. A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you
9. A book about a problem facing society today
10. Read a science fiction book
11. A book by two authors
12. A book with your favorite color in the title
13. A book about time travel
14. A book with a weather element in the title
15. A novel based on a real person
16. A book about a villain or anti-hero
17. A book made into a movie you've already seen.
18. A book with an ugly cover
19. A book set in the decade you were born in
20. A book about death or grief
21. A book that is also a stage play or a musical
22. Read a book of poetry
23. A book about science
24. A book by a female author who uses a male pseudonym
25. Read a book of your choice

I know this is a long list, but you got this. I'm working my way through it and its ok if you don't read all of the prompts by the end of the summer, just do your best. You can read them in order or pick and chose. You can also you one book for multiple prompts or only one if you want to challenge yourself. Lets see what we can read by the end of the summer. 

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