Weekly Menu #527 And The Book Of The Week


Welcome back to my weekly menu where I share the recipes we will be enjoying this week and the book that I will be reading along the way.

Did any of you happen to see the solar eclipse on Saturday? We weren't in the line of total eclipse, but it did get weirdly dark around 9:15 am. It was also super overcast, so we weren't able to see anything cool even if we wanted to. Stupid fall weather...

Now that I'm back on track to clean out my TBR pile, this weeks read is To Build a Dream by Greg Hickey. I really enjoyed the last book of his I read, so I'm excited to dive into this one. Stay tuned for my review.

Anyway, lets get to this weeks menu. Enjoy!



Creamy Bruschetta Chicken

Kids - Chicken and Mac and Cheese



Stuffed Bell Peppers

Kids - English Muffin Pizzas



Hearty Taco Soup

Kids - Nachos



Sesame Chicken Schnitzel Bowls

Kids - Chicken Tenders and Tots



Greek Meatball Bowls

Kids - Cheese Quesadillas



Turkey Pesto Sandwich

Kids - Grilled Cheese



Familly Dinner

French Onion Pot Roast

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