Weekly Menu #387 And The Book Of The Week


Good morning Monday and happy MLK day. I just want to point out that its a bank holiday, so sorry to all of you that still have to work. As a mother though, my job never ends. Sigh...

This weeks book is The Nemesis by S.J. Kincaid. I absolutely love the first book in this series and then was sadly disappointed with the second book. The first was intended to be a stand alone, so I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to expand on something so wonderful, but it just didn't work out. I'm really hoping this book will redeem my faith in this series. 

We shall see...

The menu this week looks absolutely delicious. Enjoy!



Chicken Stir Fry



7 Layer Salad



Ground Beef Tacos



Instant Pot Cajun Chicken Alfredo



Corned Beef Panini



Cheese Burgers



Leftovers Night

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