Sunday Confessions # 9

Another week, another confession. This has been a great week. The boys are on their second week of school and I've finally had a Monday to myself. It was a long summer and although I'm sad to be separated from my boys, I need this quiet time to reset and spend on myself. 

Lets get on with this weeks confessions.


Weekly Menu #317 And The Book Of The Week
Book Review: How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse by E. Eason
Book Review: The Farm by Joanne Ramos
Sunday Confessions #10

Brother sounded really interesting. I picked up this book after reading about it from another blogger.

Children of Blood and Bone was the last book I needed to finish my Best of 2018 Goodreads challenge. 

Spin the Dawn was also recommended by another blogger and it sounds awesome! 

Both these books are reviews from Goodreads that I am excited to read.

This week I finished my reading goal for 2019. 150 books and there are still a few months left in the year.

Thanks for stopping by for my confessions. I would love to hear what books you've found this week. I'm always looking to expand my TBR list, hahahah. Leave me a comment below. 


  1. I remember loving those days to myself. The best part is that your boys are back after just a few hours, and you're recharged. I have been seeing lots of great buzz for Spin the Dawn. I love concept. Hope it's a winner for you. Congratulations on completing your GR challenge! I am on track, so that's a good thing.

    1. I've been seeing a lot of people enjoying Spin the Dawn so I am excited to dive into it. Good luck on your GR challenge.

  2. Congratulations on completing your GR challenge, I’m still 15 books off making 150.

    Have a great reading week

    1. Thanks! You still have plenty of time to read 15 books. Good luck!

  3. Wow! Good for you, finishing your Goodreads challenge so soon!

    1. Thank you! I'm thinking that I should make it harder next year, lol.

  4. Congrats on your reading challenge! That is always such a thrilling thing! I had to up mine A LOT from last year because I hit it way too easily. I loved Spin the Dawn and Children of Blood and Bone is on my list to read eventually!!

    1. Whoops, for some reason it didn't update my name!

    2. I had such a slow start this year, I didn't think I was going to make 150. I guess I should trust my gut and go for 250 next time, lol.

  5. Congrats on your Goodreads challenge! I know what you mean about missing your kids but also being glad to get some quiet time for yourself. I thought the same thing when my son went back to school last month. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks. I've really been enjoying my quiet time and it's made me happier to see the kids when they get home. I feel like I can be a better mom when I'm not all stressed out, lol.

  6. It is nice to have some time to yourself! Congratulations on completing you GRs challenge! I have the same goal, 150 books, but I'm only 78% complete. Happy reading! :)

    1. Thanks! Good luck on your goal. You still have plenty of time to get there.

  7. I used to have so many days to myself, dates with myself and everything and I kiss them so much! And yayy congrats on the Goodreads challenge!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters
