Title: Gregor the Overlander
By: Suzanne Collins
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 326
Release Date: September 1st, 2003
Publisher: Scholastic
Summary from Goodreads: This irresistible first novel tells the story of a quiet boy who embarks on a dangerous quest in order to fulfill his destiny -- and find his father -- in a strange world beneath New York City.
When Gregor falls through a grate in the laundry room of his apartment building, he hurtles into the dark Underland, where spiders, rats, cockroaches coexist uneasily with humans. This world is on the brink of war, and Gregor's arrival is no accident. A prophecy foretells that Gregor has a role to play in the Underland's uncertain future. Gregor wants no part of it -- until he realizes it's the only way to solve the mystery of his father's disappearance. Reluctantly, Gregor embarks on a dangerous adventure that will change both him and the Underland forever.
Review: Before there was The Hunger Games, there was Gregor the Overlander. This happens to be in my top five oldest books on my Goodreads TBR pile. I've been wanting to read it ever since it came out and now I have. The story is centered around our main character Gregor as he falls into a world where rats and cockroaches are life size. It is in this world that Gregor must believe in himself and become a key part in an old prophecy that predicts a deadly adventure. Can Gregor over come his fears and save his long lost father, bringing him home once and for all, or will he hide, letting the rats concur all.
Received an
advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
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