What I'm Reading This Week | #WeeklyMenu Week #281

Last Monday of the year. Last day of the year. I can't believe 2018 is over. Its been one hell of a ride. Frankly, I'm glad this year is over. I'm ready for a new year with new challenges. Yes...

I actually read something this week, but I didn't finish it. Christmas got in the way, but that's life. Hopefully I should have it done within a day or two and then I will post a review for you all, but for now, here is another book for you to read this week.

I'm working on a Breath of Snow and Ashes from the Outlander series. These books take me forever to read because they are so large and full of a lot of filler. I get bogged down and put the book down for a while, then pick it back up and make my way through them. Don't get me wrong, They are heavy, but I love them all the same. Diana Gabaldon has said recently that she is writing two more books in the Outlander series and I'm super excited about it. Since I've never actually finished a series, at least not that I can remember, I'm hoping to finish this one.

This weeks menu is going to be amazing. Enjoy!






Leftovers Night

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