Hey, Monday! This is the first Monday all my children will be in school. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself... Scratch that... I'm not going to do anything! Well, except dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, the usual. Other than that I am a free woman.
This week is going to be super exciting. Monday is Marvel movie night with some of the ladies from work. We are making our way through the Marvel timeline, excluding the TV shows because that would take forever. We are currently on Captain America Winter Soldier. The ladies have requested chicken, so that is what you will be getting for tonight. I hope you like it.

This is that part that I know you've been waiting for, what book I'm going to be reading this week. The book of the week is A House with a Clock in its Walls. I saw a commercial for a new movie that's coming out. Jack Black is in it so it must be good. Lets see what this little ditty has to offer.
That's enough talking for today. Enjoy this weeks menu!
Monday - Marvel Movie Monday
Sunday - Family Night
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