Oh woe is me | Unbroken Faith By Diane Dokko Kim

Title: Unbroken Faith
By: Diane Dokko Kim
Genre: Non-fiction / Spiritual
Pages: 240
Release Date: April 3rd, 2018
Publisher: Worthy Publishing

Summary from Goodreads: When a parent hears that their child has a disability, hearts and hopes are often broken. But faith doesn’t have to be.
In Unbroken Faith, Dianne Dokko Kim comes alongside you as a fellow special needs parent to help you reconcile the premise of a good God with the devastating realities of raising a disabled child. Kim courageously articulates deep-seated, unspoken doubts and fears you may have but are afraid to voice: Will my child still have a full life? Can I do this? Where is God in all this? As you are adjusting to your new normal, Kim’s biblical-based encouragement will help you understand that you are not alone, that God gets it, and that God’s Word is entirely relevant to the raw and messy yet hallowed spaces of special needs parenting. 

Review: I am a mother of an Autistic son. I also have a son that has sever ADHD with a sensory disorder and a son who is partially deaf, so I know about the ups and downs of have a disabled child. There is nothing more important than hope. Hope that you can have the strength to get through the tough times. Hope that your child will be ok. Hope that God will take care of you. This book was so full of despair that it actually made me really sad for the author. 

I know that living with an autistic child is hard and the struggle is real, but reading about it without the hope of a tomorrow, just makes me want to give up.

Every chapter was full the "oh woe is me," that it was hard to find any hope in the Bible verse and quotes that filled most the book. Where is the hope? A strategically placed Bible verse does you know good if the author doesn't learn something from it, take strength from it.

The book read like a journal or daily devotional, which isn't a bad thing. Many mothers with special needs children would love an autism daily devotional with versus to strengthen them for the day and stories of how to overcome that pit of despair. With a little work, this book could become that.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

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