Title: All the Dirty Parts
By: Daniel Handler
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 144
Release Date: August 29th, 2017
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Audience: Rated X
Summary from Goodreads: From bestselling, award-winning author Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket), an eagerly anticipated, gutsy, exciting novel that looks honestly at the erotic lives and impulses of an all-too-typical young man.
Cole is a boy in high school. He runs cross country, he sketches in a sketchbook, he jokes around with friends. But none of this quite matters, next to the allure of sex. "Let me put it this way," he says, "Draw a number line, with zero is, you never think about sex, and ten is, it's all you think about, and while you are drawing the line, I am thinking about sex." Cole fantasizes about whomever he's looking at. He consumes and shares pornography. And he sleeps with a lot of girls--girls who seem to enjoy it at the time and seem to feel bad about it afterwards. Cole is getting a reputation around school--a not quite savory one--which leaves him adrift and hanging out with his best friend. Which is when something startling begins to happen between them--another kind of adventure, unexpected and hot, that might be what he's been after all this time. And then he meets Grisaille.
A companion piece to Handler's Why We Broke Up, the bestselling Michael J. Printz Honor novel, All The Dirty Parts is an unblinking take on the varied and ribald world of teenage desire in a culture of unrelenting explicitness and shunted communication, where sex feels like love, but no one knows what love feels like. Structured in short chapters recalling Jenny Offill's Dept. of Speculation or Mary Robison's Why Did I Ever, the novel gives us a tender, brutal, funny, and always intoxicating portrait of an age in which the whole world is tilted through the lens of sex. "There are love stories galore," Cole tells us, "and we all know them. This isn't that. The story I'm typing is all the dirty parts."
Review: I am not a dude, but I imagine this book reflects the inner monologue of most teen aged boys. The book follows Cole on his journey through the ups and downs of sex. It covers girls, exploring sexuality and the ever fateful crash into love.
I kept thinking to myself, "Why am I reading this?" But the story was so enthralling that I read it in just a few hours. The narrative was a little graphic at times, but what do you expect from a book about sex? This book is not for the faint of heart, but if you enjoy a quick dirty read, try All the Dirty Parts.
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