Life Confessions: Post #8


The lifestyle of a PNW mom, avid reader, exballerina and food lover.

Hello, my friends!

Its been a relatively quiet week around the hovel. I'm grateful for that. With school starting next week for the boys, I need a little quiet before chaos ensues.

I hate to talk about the weather, but there have been some forest fires close by, and another one that popped up last week from a thunderstorm that rolled through the area. Its bringing lots of smoke that's stuffing up my head and giving me headaches. Where is the rain?

Lets not forget the delicious blackberry cookies, made with freshly picked blackberries from my backyard. I will have to share the recipe on the blog next week. 

Also, the last picture is of me, trying to take a picture of a wet kitten, but the camera was pointed towards me. Figures. I look like a goof, lol.

Thanks for stopping by this week. Leave your favorite cookie recipe below so I can try them.

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