Life Confessions: Post #3


It has been one of the hardest weeks I've had in a long time. There was so much loss and threat of loss, I almost couldn't manage.

Our poor little kitten Hex died. We spent so much time with him, trying to keep him going, but in the end it wasn't enough. It was horrible to watch and don't wish that on anyone.

Among the loss, there were also some great times. We spent the 4th of July with some good friends where we didn't feel judged for who we are and who our kids are. We were at peace.

We also spent some wonderful time with a good friend at the food carts on a Friday night. Damn, that place is hoping. I'm actually glad my oldest decided not to come. It was super loud and the noise would have really bothered him.

I could really use a nice quiet week. Do you think the universe can make that happen?

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