Title: Chaos Walking
Genre: Scifi/Fantasy
Release Date: February 24th, 2021
My Rating: ★★★★☆
IMDB Rating: 5.7/10
Cast: Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley
Watch On: Hulu
Summary from IMDB:
Two unlikely companions embark on a perilous adventure through the badlands of an unexplored planet as they try to escape a dangerous and disorienting reality where all thoughts are seen and heard by everyone.
The only reason I watched this movie was the actors. Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland are some of my favorite movie artist these days and I knew no matter what, they would portray this amazing story well... Even if the screenplay didn't serve them well.
I loved the book this movie is based on. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness is groundbreaking and unique. A wonderful story that weaves scifi into a more dystopian feel. The movie on the other hand, was a more old-fashioned feel with a strange mind projecting aspect that was actually kind of annoying. I guess it was annoying in the book to, but it didn't feel so daunting.
I'm glad I watched the movie as it was a fun adventure.
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