Hello Monday! It's been way to hot. Our temps have been over 100, and one day was up to 115. This is record breaking heat for the PNW. My aunt in Florida was showing off her mild temps of 80-90 degrees saying that she thought she lived in Florida, not Oregon. Well, you can have your heat back. I'm over it.
This weeks read is The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. This amazing tale of what comes after death and the complexities of how one person can affect so many lives with one action, is a wonderful story to read in your lifetime.This book was on my 100 books to read before you die list and also on my Gilmore Girls list. Two birds with one stone, hehe.
The book is also fairly short, so definitely a one day read for me. Looking forward to it.
This weeks menu is going to be light since I don't want to turn the oven on too long. Enjoy!
Leftovers Night
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