Sunday Confessions #63


Sunday!.. I think we made it through the first week of distance learning... I think...

What a whorl wind. I've learned many things this week. That my 2nd grader is way too smart for second grade, but emotionally isn't ready to move up. My 5th grader is excited to go back to school and was upset when his school email was suspended due to a glitch in the matrix and he wasn't able to do his school work. My 8th grader hates talking about himself and broke down on the first day of school. Although, this last one doesn't surprise me.

Let's hope this coming week is a little bit better.


Weekly Menu #371 And The Book Of The Week
Book Review: A Map of Days by Ranson Riggs
Movie Review: Tesla
Sunday Confessions #64

19/196 in my Star Wars Legends challenge
10/20 in my Scotland challenge
41/341 Gilmore Girls challenge
40/100 in my 100 books before you die challenge

What a week. I managed to read three more books in two of my challenges. Still waiting for Gone with the Wind, so I can continue on my 100 books challenge.

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