Title: Bright Ruin
By: Vic James
Genre: Dystopian / Urban Fantasy
Pages: 416
Release Date: October 9th, 2018
Publisher: Del Rey
Summary from Goodreads: As the dystopian trilogy that began with Gilded Cage and Tarnished City concludes, the people of Britain rise up against their magically gifted masters. They must break the system—or be broken.
The rules are simple, the system cruel: the lower classes must give ten years in service to Britain’s powerfully gifted rulers. With one uprising crushed by the glittering elite, commoners and aristocrats alike now take sides for a final confrontation.
At the center of it all are two ordinary siblings: Abi Hadley and her brother, Luke. Each has reason to hate the ruling Jardine family. Abi was once their servant—and now seeks revenge for a terrible wrong. Luke was imprisoned on their whim—but his only hope may be an alliance with the youngest and most powerful of the clan, the cold and inscrutable Silyen Jardine.
Staking everything to end a bright and shining tyranny, Abi, Luke, and Silyen find themselves bound by a single destiny. Their actions will change their fates—and change everything. But at a cost almost too terrible to contemplate.
What price would you pay for freedom?
Review: I have to tell you, I was a little disappointing with this book. The first two books in the series were great. Lots of action, magic and intrigue, but this one felt more like a mystery/treasure hunt. Not what I'm used to with Vic James. It wasn't bad, don't get me wrong, just not what I wanted in this series.
Take that for what it is, and go out and read this awesome book when it comes out.
Received an
advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
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