What I'm Reading This Week | #WeeklyMenu Week #263

It's Monday again and vacation is over. This is the last week before school starts and all my babies are off into the world. Middle school, and two in grade school. How did I get this old? My baby is five and my oldest is a pre-teen. I'm not ready for this, but who is.

I'm really going to try and work on my writing this week. It's been a while since I've sat down and written anything more than a blog post. It's disheartening. I want to write, but every time I sit down, I feel angry and unwilling. Push through, I must push through. Otherwise, nothing will ever be finished and I have several books I want to write.

This weeks, I'm going to finish Storm of the Gods by Amy Braun. I started it on my beach vacation and I'm really excited to finish it. Its right up my ally. Magic, urban fantasy and one of the characters is named Liam and that is my babies name. Great name. The other books I've read by Amy Braun have been great. I can't imagine this one would be any different.

This weeks menu is going to be delicious and I can't wait to dive into it. Enjoy!







Leftovers Night

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