Grandma Gift

It is always difficult to pick a present for mom or grandma that means something and they can use often.

My mom and mother in-law are both big cooks and bakers. They spend a lot of time in the kitchen and they rely on their aprons to keep their clothes clean of flour.

At the end of last month my mother in-law had a birthday. They boys made her this apron and although my youngest's hand print looks like he has seven fingers, I know she will use it for a long time.

What you will need:

  • plain black apron.
  • White paint
  • white puff paint (for the words)
  • sponge brush


  1. Lay the apron on a flat surface
  2. Paint your child's hand with the white paint using the sponge brush.
  3. Carefully place your child's hand on the apron where ever you want it.
  4. Repeat this step for however many children you have.
  5. Write their names over their hand prints using the puff paint.
  6. Let it dry before moving it from the flat surface so the paint won't smudge. 
The boys had a lot of fun making this present for their Nana and the cost was less than $10.

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