I've never made pillow cases before but they didn't look to hard so I deemed this my newest project and off I went.
I wanted to make pillow shams so they wouldn't be open on the side like the picture above, but I couldn't find a tutorial for them so I was stuck with a normal pillow case. But finding a tutorial for that was hard too. I finally found a simple one that didn't have a weird seem or flowers on them.
Of course I didn't make them with the flower garnish because I hate flowers, especially in my bedroom, but the pattern was perfect.
So I went to the fabric store on my lunch break from work (Its a great thing I work only a block away) and picked up a green cotton fabric and a cream cotton fabric, a yard each.
I then cut the fabric into 71/2 inch by 36 inch strips.There were six of each and it used all my fabric so there was non left over.
I sewed the strips together to make stripes. and then followed the pillow pattern above. If you would like to see it click here.
After I had sewn two striped pillow cases I then needed to write on them. I purchased a fabric marker and used stencils I already had laying around. I got the idea from here,
This is a really cool idea and was really easy to do. Make sure you set the marker by running a hot iron over it before you wash it, or the marker will wash out.
So here is my finished product.
I can't wait to finish the other one and see how they look with the rest of my bedding.
Have fun!
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